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化学化工学院学术报告:Breakthrough water filtration technology based on nanofibrous membranes

发布日期:2015-06-03    来源部门:     点击次数:
报告题目: Breakthrough water filtration technology based on nanofibrous membranes
报 告 人: Dr.Benjamin S.Hsiao
报告时间: 2015-6-3 14:00:00
报告地点: 南山校区医学院4号楼308会议室

简  介:
Prof.Hsiao served as Chair of the Chemistry Department and held Vice President for Research and Chief Research Officer positions at Stony Brook.His research is focused on the development of new nanostructured polymers for energy,environmental and health applications.He has published over 433 peer-reviewed scientific papers,41 reviews and chapters in books and encyclopedias,228 conference prodeedings,obtained 33 issued patents(including 19 US patents) and 20 pending patents applications,and has edited 2 books。
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